The Chronicles

Monday, March 14, 2005

Another week at work!

My boss is out of the country and I am really stressed about this. When he is not in the country I am in charge of things.Sort of. Or, at least, that's the way I feel because if something happens I have to take care of it. And it wouldn't bother me if it didn't concern the machines we are selling. I still don't know everything there is know about them and I am not going to learn. It is not my job to know them. I do too much around there. And the guys around here, even if they are fun to be with, sometimes that's all they are: fun to be with. When he was hired , one of the guys was asked to help me. Guess what ?!?!?!?!? He's just fun to be with!!!!

But I had a nice Sunday. A friend of mine came over to my place and we atched movies. "Closer" and " The buterfly effect". I had seen Buterfly before but I watched it again because I really liked it.
But "CLOSER". Now that's a movie I am going to see over and over again. And that Jude Law................mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!! Yummy!


  • I want to see both those movies Nik, I know "The butterfly Effect" will be on tv any day now...but I guess I will have to break down and rent "Closer"...and I love Jude....I know this is weird, but one of my favorite roles that he played is the cyber-escort in A.I.!! And it said on my first screen this a.m. that Ashton and Demi are PREGNANT!

    By Blogger kitten, at 2:41 PM  

  • Everyone bashed The Butterfly Effect over here, but I really thought it was pretty good. I don't know that I'd buy the DVD, but I'd definitely watch it if it came up on TV.

    Closer was surprisingly good. I only went and watched it because my fiancee really wanted to, and because we try to watch the Oscar movies before the Oscars. But I think it turned out to be my favorite of the Oscar movies! I really liked Clive Owen in it. I also really liked Julia Roberst, and I usually don't like her in movies.

    By Blogger Wray Davis, at 5:32 AM  

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