The Chronicles

Sunday, May 29, 2005

no supergirl now!

So I finally had the courage to call him.
On my birthday I took ma girlz out to a bar. Nothing fancy, just me and my best friends in the world. Two of them "plotted" :)) against me and got his phone number. After repeated threats and after all 4 of them formed an alliance against me....I called him and invited him over at my "party". Guess what? He said he would come. Didn't expect that. And he came and brought me flowers and gifts. I didn't expect any gifts either since he hardly knows me and I invited him on such a short notice.
We had a lot of fun. I laughed a lot and he did too. My girlz were perfect. Last year nobody sang "Happy Birthday" to me. But this year he thought they should sing and imagine the way people were looking at us. We had no candles so I decided to blow into the candles that were on the table.
I had so much fun. We took a lot of pictures.
We ordered cakes. And it was fun because although we live in Romania the menu was in English. And "cake" in Romanian sounds very funny. We decided to order " cake", pronounced not in English, but "cake" with a very Romanian sound. We took different cakes and we ended up eating from eachother's plates and mixing the flavours. Pretty good in the end.
We got home late and I couldn't sleep all night.
I saw him the next day at my dance classes. He kept smiling and looking at me. But nothing more.
I got it. It won't be anything more than my birthday party. But I had so much fun and I am thankfull for that.
What I don't get is why he is always looking and smiling at me and talking to me................

I just needed to tell this to someone.....hope it didn't annoy you too much.
The bottom line is that I had fun and that I am still in love but hopeless :)

Sunday, May 22, 2005

I am a supergirl!

Today is my birthday. At 7:45 PM I will be 24 years old.
My 23rd year was good.
I have rediscovered some friends, I keep discovering things I didn't know that existed in my friends.
I have discovered that people you don't know can make you smile and leave you with that smile on your face and in your soul for a long time.
I have discovered that I can love with such power that every inch of my body aches and that even his presence can inflict me pain, but a pain that I wouldn't give up for anything in the world.
People told me that I don't necesarily have to be loved back and that I definitely have to enjoy this feeling that fills my heart. I am still trying to learn that, but I have started to enoy it.
This last year made me love and appreciate myself more.

Hahahahaha! My mom just came into my room and told that she has just went into labour! Hahahaha! She still has some hours of hard "work"! Sorry mom.

So tonight I am going out with my friends.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Check this out ! (click on the horses)

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Blue me.........I might not post very much, but I am always watching you!
Posted by Hello

And I am allergic to these "cotton" things. I don't know why people plant these trees in towns. The air is filled with cotton flakes and it kinda looks nice, like snow, snow in May. But I am allergic to it and my nose runs and my skin itches and it makes me so nervous.
Last year there was so much cotton thing on my balcony that I stacked it in a large pile and I set in on fire! Ok, I might be nuts, but it was fun and nothing bad happened.

Sort of view from my window......
Posted by Hello

Postcard from Paraguay
Posted by Hello

Postcard form Paraguay!

Look what I got from Paraguay!
A postcard from Mathieu who went there for his future sister-in-law's wedding. I mean, he was busy with the wedding and he still had ti me to think about me and send me a postcard!
I was so happy when I got it. It took more than a month and a half to get to Romania and I had lost almost any hope of ever receiving it.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

How come?

How come that I fall in love with the wrong guy at the worst moment? Well there a right time?!?!?!?!? Probably not, but I find myself in the same situation I was as a child, at school, when you like a guy, you look at him, but you don't do anything because................well I don't know why!!!!!! Ok, maybe he is not the wrong guy...he is so sweet and funny and he smiles a lot , ok and he is so gooooood looking. I am nuts. But I don't know what is wrong with me lately. I started to act like a child and I can't stop it.
I really do like him.

Spring is in the air, in my heart, in my soul, in my mind and in my body!
Happy spring to all of you!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

What does your birthdate mean?