The Chronicles

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Happy Easter!!!

Finally Easter is here. Ever since you ( Catholics) celebrated Easter I've been waiting for the Orthodox Easter to come.
I haven't had the Easter spirit this year too much because it's been my first year of work. So I didn't have time to help my mom clean the house, go shopping, cook............I didn't even paint the eggs because this morning I woke up too late :((
I have only fasted for 3 days and during the last years I have tried to fast for at least a week and every Friday. It's kinda hard but it makes me happy that I can do at least that. The Orthodox fast period is different from the Catholic one, it's very strict. Orthodox people aren't allowed to eat meat or any other product that comes from animals. So imagine that there are people who fast for 40 days. I am not strong enough though :((
Tonight I am going to church for the Resurection mass. It's such a strange feeling to see so many people gathered in front of the church and sharing light and saying to each other, although they have never met, " Jesus is alive ! ". It always amazes me and somehow makes me feel safe to see such a crowd gathered in front of the church, so much light, so many candles.
And tomorrow I am going to eat drob, eggs, lamb soup and lamb steak, lost of garlic ( yummy ), cozonac....and what else? I don't know but I am going to eat a lot :))

Happy Easter!

Saturday, April 23, 2005

View from my brother's window
Posted by Hello

I need a hug!
Posted by Hello

my Lola
Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 21, 2005

No internet

I've had really bad problems with my computer. Some nasty viruses!
Thank God everything is ok now. For the moment.
Below there are some pictures taken in Bucharest, in Herastrau Park, a few days ago. Spring is in the air! And it was so warm and sunny. Now it's raining! Heavily. And I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Hello

Posted by Hello

Posted by Hello

Posted by Hello

my favourite park
Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

:) :) :)

Just like my aunt said : "I wasn't born to work" and I might ad that I was born to dance, to listen to music, to go to concerts, to have fun. I guess we were all born for that :)) , isn't it?!?
Don't get me wrong, I love to work, honestly, I think that my life would be kinda boring without work.
On Saturday I went to another concert. Oh, yeah! I've enjoyed it so much. The only bad thing was that, I don't know why, we decided to stay near the sound system!!! Imagine that. We sat there because we were very close to the stage and we saw everything and everybody and it was perfect. But my ears, my chest, my heart, my skin,my head were in agony! You might call me crazy......................but I couldn't move from there. Actually I didn't want to! There were some songs and some voices that made my "body ache" worth.
A band I don't like at all sang the only song I completely adore from all their playlist. This song won an award a few years back and it was a huge hit here in Romania. Believe me when I tell you that for 4 minutes I had goose bumps and tears in my eyes; the crowd was singing, the singer was almost crying and the atmosphere was dream-like. I have seen so many people gathered in that place only 15 years ago during the revolution. Everything was amazing. Except my ears! :)
I couldn't say I like all those bands, but when you are there, when the crowd is's imposible not to get caught in that moment.
Of course I went there because my second favourite band in the world, Directia 5, was invited. I couldn't miss that. Actually it would be very hard to chose between Voltaj and Directia 5.
But when D5 appeared on stage my ears suddenly stopped hurting. You know, sometimes I am so amazed that a singer sounds so well when he sings live. I imagine it must be hard to focus on your voice and on the notes when the crowd sings with you and when there is so much noise around. But his voice was perfect and the songs, the atmosphere uplifting.
I went home with my ears pounding and my brain a big mush. But so happy and in a good mood.
My head hurt for a day and I had problems hearing for about 3 days. It didn't matter, although my boss had to speak louder.

Next concerts : April28th - Romanian Music Awards ( MTV )
May 14th - Directia5 - a new album
May 21st - Michael Bolton.
And still it is not enough!

Friday, April 08, 2005

My dancing lessons

So, I am taking dancing lessons since next Monday. I am so happy about it. Imagine that I’ve been thinking about this since I was in high school and I was planning it with my friends. And finally, after all these years we have decided to go. My best friend called me one day and told me that she found a dancing school next to my house ( it is so close to my house and I’ve never seen it ) and that the classes are starting on Monday. I don’t even know what kind of dancing, but I imagine it is Latino. I can hardly wait!!!
I am so happy!
I love to dance, it always puts me in a good mood and a little exercise wouldn’t hurt since for the last 7 months I’ve been doing a desk-job. Yuk! I am beginning to get tired of it.
But back to my dancing classes. I am a good dancer; I know that, the thing is, I am not good when it comes to dancing in pair, when it comes to dancing with someone. Nowadays dancing in pair is not what it used to be. Everybody dances as they feel even if it is called dancing in pair. But from time to time you meet a guy that really knows how to dance with a woman. So maybe I am going to learn how to do that.

Monday, April 04, 2005


I've had an incredible Sunday after noon and evening. It was just great.

I read in the newspaper that VOLTAJ were going to have a concert, so I took my best friend and went there. The concert began around 4 pm. As I later found out VOLTAJ wasn't the only band to perform.Unfortunately there were some hip-hop bands and I don't like hip-hop, but the atmosphere was great. Everybody around us was singing, so, although we didn't know the words, we started mumbling and dancing and, in the end, it turned out nice. And besides that, it was an open-air concert, so we had to move because it was kinda chilly.
The moment we found out there were almost 15 bands invited at the concert we realized that VOLTAJ were going to perform the last, because they are THE BEST, so we knew that we had to wait for a few hours. An it was getting colder. At some point, after about 4 hours, we wanted to leave because our feet were killing us. I could barely stand up and I was hungry, but didn't give up! And I knew that everybody around me felt the same. Imagine that during those hours I made friends, so I knew what they were feeling. We all wanted VOLTAJ!
Everytime the show-host came and introduced the next band everbody kept screaming: VOLTAJ! It was fun!
And those rock bands! Rock rulzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Ok, I am nuts!
Finally, around 9:30 VOLTAJ appeared. The crowd went crazy!
Their lyrics always put me in a good mood. So optimistic. I danced and jumped and sang. I forgot I was cold and hungry and that my back and my feet were killing me. It didn't matter anymore. At the moment Voltaj and Directia 5 are the best bands in Romania. My personal opinion of course!
I got home at about 11p.m, after almost 7 hours of non-stop music. My ears were pounding and my throat was aching. Yesterday I could hardly speak and I still can't hear very well. But it was worth it! Every moment of it.

Sometimes I look at myself and I realize that I am not what I thought I would be. When I was a kid I thought I would be much wilder, much ........braver. I thought my life would be kinda different. When I go to concerts, when I am doing something wild (although not very often) I find myself thinking that this is who I am, this is the real me. Unfortunately I don't have "wild" friends and don't have people around who would help me get wild. Don't get me wrong: I love my friends, I chose them or we chose each other, and I wouldn't throw them away. It's just a thought that sometimes crosses my mind, that's all. Maybe I am just scared.

But I had so much fun!

UPDATE: another concert next Sunday! I just found out. I am so happy.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

These days I am just feeling sorry for myself.

I've had two awful weeks. Everything is going from bad to worse and everybody annoys me. I am constantly tired and I don't feel like doing anyhting. And the weather keeps getting colder and colder. I usually don't have a problem with that, but now I am just not in the mood.
I guess there is something in the air. I've been talking to my friends daily on yahoo messenger and they are also feeling bad. A friend of mine broke up with her boyfriend, another one is suspecting hers is cheating on her, the other one thinks she is too fat, to ugly,too.... and thay are all on a diet. And I lost so much weight that none of my clothes fit me anymore, I look like a toothpick wearing a bag. And of course I can't complain about been way too thin since they are all on a diet.

But I am very much aware that things aren't that bad. I bought a digital foto camera and I am thrilled about it. And since I must be going crazy because I am so depressed, yesterday (after cashing my salary of course) I left early from work and took my cousin shopping. First we went to my faculty to check how things were going with my final exams, then we met with my friends over at Pizza Hut for lunch and And please don't imagine that I bought something useful. Oh no,no,no! Well except a pair of slippers and mascara. I bought notebooks with coloured pages, pencils, all sorts of stickers. I am telling you........I am going crazy!!! I kinda felt like a kid searching though notebooks trying to find the one I liked best, diggind for pencils, laughing and fighting with my 15year old cousin over the stickers we found. I had a good day!